About Us


We are a small but dedicated group that is part of Capoeira Angola Oxossi

Our mission is in guiding participants in learning the art of Capoeira Angola, a traditional folk activity with elements of self-defense, music, acrobatics dance, etc. Classes are taught by Rato and Pensador, both of whom have studied this tradition under the guidance of Mestre Perere for well over a decade. Together they provide challenging and fun lessons to both completely new students as well as experienced players. Skills that are taught include graceful kicks, slippery body-twisting escapes, jaw-dropping acrobatic flourishes, etiquette for playing the game, strategies for winning the game, how to play and sing traditional Capoeira Angola music, and exercises for keeping your game sharp.


Some of the many benefits of practicing this art include:

  • Acquiring physical mobility, stability, strength, endurance, coordination, and gracefulness.

  • Relief of stress, improved mood, and a plethora of health benefits associated with aerobic exercise and strength training.

  • Development of musical skills.

  • Skills and context with which to play, train, and interact with players around the world.

  • Exposure to the Portuguese language, as well as history and cultural context of Capoeira Angola.

  • Practical and efficient strategies for self-defense practiced in a safe environment.

  • Greater awareness of one’s body and surroundings while remaining relaxed and playful.

  • Opportunities to unlock potential you’ve never considered and do things you never thought you could.

  • Valuable knowledge and perspectives from a centuries-old tradition.

  • A never-ending, ever-growing, ridiculous amount of FUN!


Make sure to check out the resources on our Learn More page to explore more of our tradition and lineage.